Agricultural Production

  • Equilibre imports naked Arundo K12 plantlets from its partner laboratories in Honduras
  • These are then “hardened” in special facilities before being planted in the selected fields
  • Specially designed mechanical implements are used for planting, harvesting and chipping
  • Equilibre provides on-site training for arundo farmers
  • Minimum fertiliser is required. Equilibre is also pioneering the use of bacterial fertilising to reduce chemical usage
  • Arundo canopies after 3-4 months, which means that weeding is no longer necessary
  • Arundo is drought resistant (due to its rhizomes and hydrophobic leaf structures
  • Arundo is cyclone resistant and is non-invasive due to its root structure and because it is bred sterile
  • Arundo grows all year round, unlike sugar cane. Planting can therefore be phased to ensure that Arundo biomass is able to be delivered to the power station continuously, thereby enabling base-load power production
  • The Arundo is then laid down in the fields in order to reduce humidity from 48% to below 12%. This reduces transportation costs and improved combustion
  • The Arundo is then un-bailed and fed into the power station system