An innovative approach to Emerging Markets’ sustainable energy needs


Who is Equilibre Bio – Energy

  • Equilibre was founded in 2011 with the vision of creating a viable solution to Emerging Market energy needs
  • The solution involves the complete chain – from specialist plant development, agricultural production and harvesting, pellet production (primarily for export) through to electricity generation.



The Energy Challenge for Emerging Markets

Most Emerging Market countries suffer from an energy deficit. Valuable foreign exchange is wasted on importing coal, oil and natural gas while volatile global prices play havoc with their balance of payments. Currently 1,4 billion people on our planet do not have access to electricity which is a serious inhibitor to economic growth and poverty aleviation.

If only they were capable of growing their own energy requirements!

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The Solution

The Solution

Equilibre has developed an innovative solution to assisting Emerging Market countries generate energy in a clean and cost-effective manner using a new generation of bio-mass which is perfectly suited to a variety of topographical and climatic environments. The primary bio-mass feedstock is Arundo K12, a specially bred, non-invasive bamboo-like C3 grass. See our first harvesting video:

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Benefits of Arundo K12

Equilibre focuses on land availability close to where electricity is required and where food security is not impacted. Arundo K12 is a hardy crop and it will grow in incremental land that may not be suitable for food cultivation. It is disease resistant and can weather droughts due to its rhizomous structure and hydrophobic leave structure that channels water to its roots.

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“Any biomass to energy project succceeds or fails to a greater degree on its ability
to source and maintain a regular and consistent supply of high quality feedstock.”


Besides preserving valuable foreign currency spent on importing fossil fuels, Equilibre’s business model is geared to generate jobs in the SME and small farmer sector, as well as addressing large-scale agricultural production. In Mauritius, where Equilibre is based, the decline in sugar has resulted in 15,000 hectares of land being abandoned. This not only results in job loss and impacts GDP, but abandoned land presents a serious ecological threat.

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Electricity from Arundo

But how do we generate electricity from Arundo?

Arundo is cultivated in order to provide a replacement for coal in existing coal-fired power stations and industrial boilers. Up to 20% of coal can be replaced without modifying boilers in most instances.

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Equilibre has a seasoned management team with skills that cover research, agricultural production and engineering and has proven management expertise in building successful pan-African businesses.

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The value and way any solution or technology is judged is really according to the range and depth of the problem that it solves.

Few problems are bigger in our world than the challenge of delivering energy and food to our society in a sustainable manner.

There is no bigger problem facing humanity at this junction than energy production the basis of our entire global economy and civilization…